Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I got the idea for this from Overheard in Law School, I was reading it and I realized that I overhear stuff just as funny as that all the time and decided to start this.

If you have any funny quotes from high school (or before, actually, middle school and elementary school can be funny too) send them to me at iq_two at

Here're a couple I have from the past couple of years that were funny enough that I wrote them down:

Student: It's stuffy in here, can I turn on the air-conditioning?
Teacher: It doesnt work, it turns on the heater.
Student: Can I turn on the heater? turns on heater

from my Algebra 2 class last year:
Student: Word problems are Satan's flesh!
Teacher: WHAT????
Other student: Word problems arent flesh, they're made out of letters!

The teacher was saying that we're going to be doing word problems, then puts up a warm-up problem from what we were doing the day before (not word problems, obviously).
Student: That's a word problem?
Other student: Do you see any WORDS??????

In the class nex door, someone threw a pen.
Teacher: You guys would never do something like that, would you?
Student: Not now that they've tried it.

It was the first day of school and we were getting our books.
Teacher: Remember to cover it, write your name in it, and don't leave it in class because sometimes people take other people's textbooks to have one at home.
Student: I've done that!

Please send me your funny moments!

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